About Us

The Lone Star Chapter
Founded in early 2004, the Lone Star Chapter has quickly grown to one of the most active chapters in the SRT. For the past several years in a row, the Lone Star Chapter has been the fastest growing chapter in the state.
We sponsor the Texas History Educator of the year award that recognizes two individual 7th grade Texas History teachers with $1,000, a professional Texas history play for their school, dinner for two at the Steamboat House Restaurant, and a plaque presented by the Lone Star Chapter.
Our Chapter is extremely active with monthly meetings, and our Annual meeting in July of each year at the Steamboat House Restaurant in Houston. Be sure to attend one of our fun meetings with great Speakers each month for more information.
For applications and additional information, please go to our main website at www.srttexas.org, or email us at admin@lonestarsrt.org.